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Scopas Tang (Zebrasoma scopas)

SKU 00061
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Scopas Tang (Zebrasoma scopas)
Product Details

Scopas Tang (Zebrasoma scopas)


Behavior: The Scopas Tang, also known as the Brown Tang or Twotone Tang, is a peaceful and active species known for its graceful swimming and algae-grazing behavior. These fish are generally non-aggressive and can coexist well with other peaceful tankmates. They thrive in well-structured environments with plenty of live rock and open swimming areas.

Color: The Scopas Tang is visually distinctive, featuring a body that ranges from brown to olive, with subtle lighter patterns and streaks that add to its overall appearance. The tail fin is characteristically black, and occasionally, the face can exhibit a hint of blue coloration, especially under specific lighting conditions. Juveniles and adults exhibit similar color patterns.

Diet: Scopas Tangs are primarily herbivores and thrive on a diet rich in marine algae. They will graze on algae growing in the tank and should be provided with a variety of seaweed and algae-based foods. Supplementing their diet with high-quality flake food, pellets, and occasional vegetable treats like blanched spinach or zucchini can help maintain their health and vibrant coloration.

Tankmates: Scopas Tangs are generally peaceful and can be housed with a variety of other non-aggressive marine species. Suitable tankmates include other tangs, angelfish, clownfish, gobies, and wrasses. This fish can be kept with other tangs of the same genus. It is advisable to introduce them all at the same time to an appropriately sized aquarium, usually 5 feet or longer. Ensure that algae and other food are not lacking to minimize aggression problems.

Reef Aquarium Compatibility: Scopas Tangs are reef-safe and do not harm corals or invertebrates. Their herbivorous diet helps control algae growth, making them a beneficial addition to reef aquariums.

Max Size: Scopas Tangs can grow up to 8 inches (20 cm) in length. Due to their active nature and need for swimming space, they require a spacious aquarium of at least 100 gallons to thrive and maintain good water quality.

Origin: Scopas Tangs are commonly found in the Indo-Pacific region, particularly around the waters of the Great Barrier Reef, Indonesia, and the Philippines.

Sexual Dimorphism: Scopas Tangs do not exhibit significant sexual dimorphism, making it difficult to distinguish males from females based solely on appearance.

Interesting Facts:

  • Scopas Tangs are known for their subtle yet attractive coloration and algae-grazing behavior, making them a favorite among marine aquarists.
  • They are relatively hardy and can adapt well to captivity with proper care and a well-maintained environment.
  • Scopas Tangs are active swimmers and enjoy exploring their surroundings, adding dynamic movement to the aquarium.
  • Their diet of algae and seaweed helps keep reef aquariums clean and free of excessive algae growth.

Disclaimer: Aquarium Arts cannot guarantee compatibility with your current fish or the fish you buy and cannot be held liable for fish lost due to aggression.

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