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Copperband Butterfly (Chelmon rostratus)

SKU 00115
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Copperband Butterfly (Chelmon rostratus)
Product Details

Copperband Butterfly (Chelmon rostratus)


Behavior: The Copperband Butterfly is a peaceful and delicate species known for its striking appearance and unique feeding behavior. These fish are generally non-aggressive and can coexist well with other peaceful tankmates. It can be challenging to encourage Copperband Butterflies to eat, especially after shipping. They are best kept in well-structured environments with plenty of hiding spots and live rock to explore.

Color: The Copperband Butterfly is visually stunning, featuring a silver-white body adorned with vertical orange bands and a distinctive black eye-spot on the dorsal fin. The long, slender snout adds to their unique appearance, making them a captivating addition to any marine aquarium.

Diet: Copperband Butterflies are carnivores with specialized feeding needs. In captivity, they thrive on a diet of live and frozen foods such as brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, and finely chopped seafood. They may also feed on small invertebrates and worms found within the live rock. It's important to provide a varied diet to ensure they receive all necessary nutrients.

Tankmates: Copperband Butterflies are generally peaceful and can be housed with a variety of other non-aggressive marine species. Suitable tankmates include clownfish, gobies, tangs, and other peaceful butterflyfish. Avoid housing them with overly aggressive species that may intimidate them or compete for food.

Reef Aquarium Compatibility: Copperband Butterflies are considered reef-safe with caution. While they generally do not harm corals, they may occasionally nip at small invertebrates such as feather dusters and tubeworms. Monitoring their behavior and ensuring they are well-fed can help minimize the risk of unwanted predation.

Max Size: Copperband Butterflies can grow up to 8 inches (20 cm) in length. Due to their size and delicate nature, they require a spacious aquarium of at least 75 gallons to thrive and maintain good water quality.

Origin: Copperband Butterflies are commonly found in the Indo-Pacific region, particularly around the waters of Australia, the Philippines, and the Great Barrier Reef.

Sexual Dimorphism: Copperband Butterflies do not exhibit significant sexual dimorphism, making it difficult to distinguish males from females based solely on appearance.

Interesting Facts:

  • Copperband Butterflies are known for their unique feeding behavior, using their long snout to probe into crevices and extract small invertebrates.
  • In the wild, they are often found in pairs or small groups, inhabiting coral reefs and rocky outcrops at depths ranging from 1 to 25 meters.
  • They are relatively hardy but can be challenging to feed in captivity due to their specialized dietary needs.
  • Copperband Butterflies are a favorite among aquarists for their elegant appearance and peaceful nature.

Disclaimer: Aquarium Arts cannot guarantee compatibility with your current fish or the fish you buy and cannot be held liable for fish lost due to feeding difficulties or aggression.

Introduce the captivating Copperband Butterfly to your aquarium and enjoy their serene presence and stunning colors, enhancing the beauty and diversity of your underwater world.

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